Dec. 21 Doomsday Prediction: A Hoax

5:10 AM

Doomsday, an impasse, is a frightening day for humanity. No one among the creatures can accurately say its imminence, only God Himself (Matthew 24:36). For Muslims, the second blow of horn will lead to an end.

But through human intelligence, some people had predicted its exact time, but it was just a tantalization. More than ten predictions had been formulated but it all led to failure. The latest prediction is “The December 21, 2012 Apocalypse” which came from a chip of idea in the internet, enhanced by the netizens and articulated with a fallacious conclusion.

Some calculated the statement in the Bible at Revelation 8:1, some interpreted the end of Mayan calendar; some analyzed the song of a Korean rapper, Psy; some turned their eyes to Michel ‘Nostradamus’ de Nostradame’s “Les Propheties”; and some formulated a planetary alignment to find out the exact coming of the apocalypse. And the date December 21, 2012 had been revealed.

Because of the ‘information superhighway’, rapid spread of those rumors about 12-21-2012 apocalypse through social networking sites staggered some from their in situ.

Twitter had a flooded doomsday tweets, some religious organizations have their own version of their salvation and some had been in insanity when they put their selves into a useless preparation with their own doomsday emergency kit.

When December 21, 2012 came, nothing happened; only those funny reactions of Twitter users who attached a hashtag #DoomsdayConfession on their tweets. The hashtag also lifted to trending. Ridiculous news were also aired, that some were arrested for spreading their own insight about salvation.

Miscalculation, misinterpretation, false analysis, misleading information and the nonsense arguments of doomsday rumors led us into a colossal futile spite.
The hoax had left a lesson to the doomsday believers that contemplation before a panic action is better than the vice versa. After December 21, the proponents of those bruits were put into an apologetic silence for making a disastrous epidemic of wrong information among the people of the world.

Doomsday preppers are calaboose of their own belief, lacking of constancy and like a chameleon — adapting the colorful idea of other without contemplation. Their faith is blurring, an idler and an impediment of our progress.

“If you are spiritually clean, why be afraid to the end of the world?” a good question we have received during our fourth year. If a lot of person are afraid for the end of the world. Then this is a horrifying instance that many of us have an impoverished spiritual formation.

We are blinded by the hoax of bright idea coming from the persons with a dull wisdom. We are nigh to the wrong trend. We are tamed by the technologies of the world. We are the suspects and victims of our own wrong predicted predicaments. We are changing.

Instead of thinking about the end of the world, just take everyday life into the fullest. Be optimistic, every second is a blessing. Be impartial. Dream. You have a purpose.  Take in mind that the true doomsday is that when you lose the game of your life, game of making happiness to your family, friends and to the whole people of the world. (MARK LEO HAPITAN/Student Writer)

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