CapSU reaps 6 cum laude

2:47 AM

DUMARAO, Capiz - Six cum laude awardees from two different Capiz State University departments received their medals on March 23, 2013 at Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago Hall on a Recognition Program.

Four awardees namely Marvic D. De Otoy, Rynelyn F. Delfin, Eden A. Paligumba and Sheila Mae F. Papelera were from the Bachelor of Science in Criminology while Bea D. De Tomas ang JiefeV. Balsomo were both from the Bachelor of Elementary Education.

In an opening remarks delivered by Dr. Bede. P Ozaraga, Campus Administrator, he expressed his message among the awardees not to forget their mentors who became part of their physical and emotional life.

Dr. Jean Janeth C. Villar, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine alumna, was the guest speaker of the program. On her speech, she shared her ups and downs and how she fought the challenges of her education such as financial difficulties and physical and emotional stress.

Before the program started, there was a baccalaureate mass for graduates with Fr. Bobby Rommel Estrellan who interceded Fr. Jesus Niel Peter F. Advincula as celebrant. (MARK LEO HAPITAN/Student Writer)

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