Philippines under North Korea and South Korea conflict

3:22 AM

We are surprised by the declaration of war of the communist North Korea against its mortal antagonist recently on April 12, 2013. It also alarmed United States arms, who then sent their warships in Korean peninsula after the declaration, to be alert since North Korea said that they will attack U.S. bases and Japan using their missiles.

United Nations (UN) condemned this war exhortation and followed by the entrapment of more than 800 South Koreans in North Korean border.

Based on some Filipinos residing in South Korea on an interview by the Philippine media, business transactions and establishments are still calmly operating. South Korea’s in situ was like there was no threat of terrorism. Even alert level one was asserted by the government of South Korea to the country, there no changes on the flow of everyday life there. For South Koreans, the menace was normal because on 2010, North Korea also declared war against them but nothing happened.

We, Filipinos, should not just be relaxed beyond this event since one of NoKor’s targets was United States of America. If America will be slew, Philippines will not be safeguarded since our forces in depending in Unites States’ aegis.

North Korea comprises more than one million militaries, with high-powered weapons and disastrous atomic bombs compared to us that still in the moss of classic time when it comes in military forces. It can be compared into a human and ant battle if the war will happen.

Philippines should also be alert on the great disaster that the war may bring. It would create great number of demise. We are so near in Korean peninsula and we are absolutely affected if ever the war will occur because this is the battle between nuclear powers, deadly and immensely disastrous.

We all know that North Korea and China are united because they have the same form of government which is communism. The issue of Baso de Masinloc or Kalayaan group of islands is not yet resolved. There is a possibility that Philippines may get involved in the war if China will force to procure the Scarborough Shoal and other islands from the Philippines.

The weather satellite of North Korea that have successfully launched through rocket few months ago, which was contrary to some countries, beside tracking the weather condition may have a concealed function  which may be used on a warfare. It may be a machine that can control the missile trajectory from their base to the target area.

We all know that before the successful rocket launch, the first launching of the said weather satellite failed. The rocket debris fell in South Korea’s territorial seas. It might be a dramatic breakdown and just part of North Korea’s warfare plan.

Fallen debris might be controllable nuclear missiles that may assail SoKor territory if happen.

As I remember, Albert Einstein had once said that the World War IV may become the battle between sticks and stones; this simply said that the combat before WWIV which is WWIII will not leave anything sign of hope because it is a battle between high and ruinous atomic powers.

UN did not take any action, just condemning NoKor on every move they are doing—useless. One of the roles of UN is to conflict resolution, but it seems no assembly between its members on how to stop this catastrophe.

Not just South Koreans are to be harmed by the conflict; more than 14000 Filipinos will become war victims if so.

Contingency plan of the Philippines to repatriate Filipinos if the clash will persist is not fully reliable. We cannot predict if North Korea will first attack airports and seaports or not. Furthermore, more than 14000 Filipinos cannot be easily fetched by planes in just a single flight if the war will emerge. The contingency plan is not a good safety assurance. While there is no yet a true battle, Philippines must set a free flights—from Korea to Philippines—for a gradual but absolute way to put our citizens in safety.

The feasibility of war is unpredictable. Filipinos should be ready for the sentence of future war impasse. And for now, I am hoping that if war will procrastinate for twenty years we must set strong armors and weapons that will protect our country and its people without depending from others.

NOTE: This was written on April 2, 2013.

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